Raising concerns about the performance of a colleague
All of us at one time or another have concerns about what is happening at work. Usually these
concerns are easily resolved. However, when you are troubled about something that affects
patient safety or professional conduct, it can be difficult to know what to do. You may be
worried about raising such an issue, perhaps feeling that it's none of your business or that
it's only a suspicion. You may feel that raising the matter would be disloyal to colleagues or
to the practice. You may have said something but found that you have spoken to the wrong person
or raised the issue in the wrong way and are not sure what, if anything, to do next. This policy
aims to enable everyone to raise concerns safely, as early as possible and in the right way.
This practice encourages you to raise your concerns and is committed to dealing with them in a
responsible, open and professional way. To provide the best care for our patients, we need to
protect the interests of our patients, our staff and the practice. If you are worried about
something, please raise it when it is just a concern rather than waiting for proof.
Our commitment to you
Anyone who raises a genuine concern under this policy will be supported and
protected from any adverse consequences or reprisals. You will not be at risk of losing your
job. If you are acting in good faith, it does not matter if you are mistaken or if there is an
innocent explanation for your concern. We will not ask you to prove anything. We do not, of
course, extend this assurance to someone who maliciously raises a matter they know to be untrue
and we will take disciplinary action. Anonymous concerns It is in the interests of the practice
that concerns can be raised openly and dealt with fairly and professionally. If you do not tell
us who you are, it will be much more difficult for your concern to be investigated and for us to
protect your position or give you feedback. Although we will consider anonymous reports, our
practice policy is not suited to concerns raised anonymously.
How we will handle the matter
Once you have told us of your concern, we will investigate the matter and interview relevant
individuals to assess initially what action, if any, should be taken. This may involve an
informal review or a more detailed investigation. We will maintain records of every stage of the
investigation and give you as much feedback as we properly can. We may not be able to tell you
the precise action we take if this would infringe confidentiality. Please let us know at the
outset if you have any personal interest in the matter. If your concern falls more properly
within the grievance or another procedure, we will tell you.
How to raise a concern
If you have a concern, we hope that you feel you will be able to raise it with
Mr Jones who will undertake the initial investigations in strict