Search toothbrushes | £ 2.50 |
Dental floss | £ 3.00 |
Oral B superfloss | £ 4.00 |
Tongue detox | £ 5.00 |
Interspace brushes | £ 3.00 |
TePe Interdental brushes | £ 4.50 |
Orthodontic relief wax | £ 2.00 |
Glide Floss picks (Pack of 30) | £ 7.00 |
We accept payment in cash or credit cards. Sadly some patients take advantage of our goodwill, so we have to ask all patients to pay for their work as it proceeds.
We are open Monday to Friday from 9 in the morning. Lunchtimes we close between 12:30 and 13:30