Grievance procedure
The object of this procedure is to provide an employee who considers that he/she has a grievance with the opportunity to have it examined quickly and effectively.
This procedure has been drawn up to establish the appropriate steps to be followed when
pursuing and dealing with a grievance. The procedure contains three stages. However, as it
is the aim of this procedure to settle matters at the earliest practicable moment, it is not
anticipated that all grievances will go through all procedural stages. An employee may tell
Nigel Jones about a problem and he will try to help the employee resolve the problem
If an employee gives Nigel Jones details of their grievance in writing, then the procedure below applies.
Stage 1 - Submission of grievance
An employee who feels aggrieved on any matter affecting his/her employment should write to
Nigel Jones, making it clear that the first stage of the grievance procedure is being
invoked and detailing the grievance.
Stage 2 – Investigation and written response
Nigel Jones will investigate the issue, he will invite the aggrieved employee to an
investigatory meeting to discuss the grievance. This meeting will be within one week of
receiving the complaint, unless agreed otherwise. The aggrieved employee has the right to be
accompanied by a trade union representative or a fellow work colleague of his/her choice.
After the investigatory meeting, the decision of Nigel Jones shall be given in writing to
the employee concerned no later than five working days from the complaint being heard.If the
employee is dissatisfied with the decision, they have the right to request an appeal meeting
within five working days.
Stage 3 - Appeal hearing
If possible, another person within the practice will hear the appeal hearing. The aggrieved employee has the right to be accompanied by a trade union representative or fellow work colleague of his/her choice. After the appeal hearing, the decision of Nigel Jones shall be given in writing to the employee concerned no later than five working days from the complaint being heard. The decision of Nigel Jones is final.